Hamilton Moswathupa

He has a love for data and analytics and is passionate about realizing an increased use of data in solving national issues around water security.
Hamilton holds a Master’s Degree in Hydrogeology from the University of the Witwatersrand,
Johannesburg, South Africa
Hamilton started his career in 2013 with SRK Consulting (SA) (Pty) Ltd as an Intern Hydrogeologist and
worked his way to becoming a Senior Hydrogeologist. He has extensive experience as a groundwater
management consultant for the mining industry (cement, diamond, gold, nickel, copper and coal
commodities), petrochemical industry (forecourt) and for government entities (municipalities and
parastatals). He has been involved in field work programs of varied scopes across South Africa, Lesotho,
DRC and Zambia. In addition, he has offered consulting services remotely to clients across Angola,
Namibia, Nigeria and Zimbabwe.
He is passionate about sustainable groundwater resource development and management. He is a
registered Professional Scientist with SACNASP.